
Product Roadmap

Our Roadmap is a guide to what we will be working on and researching in each quarter.
These are not delivery or deployment dates. Times and ideas are subject to changes based on Archimedes DAO proposals.

Q1 2023 βœ…

Our Focus in this quarter is the Launch of our MVP and Expand our Products and Services:
  • Launch: Protocol, Web App, Curve Pool , ARCH Token
  • Launch: OUSD positions to leverage the stablecoin’s CRV yields
  • Add New Features: Earn Feature

Q2 2023

Our Focus in this quarter is the Launch of Phase 1 of Syracussia. This starts with individual Convex pools:
(In Progress)
  • Launch: Individual Protected Convex Pools on Ethereum Mainnet
    • Stable ETH Pools:
    • ETH/alETH - confirmed
    • ETH/msETH - confirmed
    • ETH/pETH - confirmed
    • Volatile ETH Pools:
    • ETH/CRV - pending
    • ETH/LDO - pending
    • ETH/CNC - pending
    • ETH/x - Decided by Archimedes DAO
    • Stable USD Pools:
    • USDC/alUSD - pending
    • USD/xUSD - Decided by Archimedes DAO
(In Progress)
  • Launch: veARCH token, 80ARCH/20WETH Balancer Pool, Locking for ARCH Emissions
    • veARCH - Archimedes governance token will be launched and will earn ARCH emissions to begin. More rewards for locking with be proposed, voted on, and implemented following the launch. Archimedes DAO will decide on reward incentives and utility of veARCH going forward
    • 80ARCH/20WETH Balancer Pool - This pool was seeded on 5/24/2023 with 76,406 ARCH and 51.38 ETH. The entirety of this seed will be locked for the max lock period pending launch of the Archimedes locking contract.
    • Locking - A new page called β€˜veARCH’ will appear in the navigation bar on ArchimedesFi.com. Here you will be able to Get veARCH, Claim Rewards, and Withdraw.
(In Progress)
  • Add New Partners: Add Alchemix and Pendle as partners.
    • Partnerships will expand based on which pools Archimedes and Archimedes DAO decide to use implement

Q3 2023

Our focus in this quarter is to launch step two and three of the Syracussia upgrade. Archimedes is a leverage protocol, which means we need leverage. Phase two focuses on leveraging the most popular individual Convex pools from Phase 1 along with Archimedes’ new Omnipool Hopper. Archimedes will be moving to Arbitrum during this time!
(In Progress)
  • Launch: Leverage for individual Convex pools
    • Archimedes will choose the most popular Convex strategy from Phase 1 and offer leverage on this pool.
    • Archimedes DAO will vote for any other strategies the community wishes to offer leverage on.
  • Launch: Individual Protected Wombex Pools on Arbitrum
These strategies will be voted on and decided by the Archimedes DAO
Stable ETH Pools:
  • ETH/xETH - Decided by Archimedes DAO
Volatile ETH Pools:
  • ETH/x - Decided by Archimedes DAO
Stable USD Pools:
  • USD+/DAI+ - pending market conditions
  • Launch: Individual Protected Chronos Exchange Pools on Arbitrum
These strategies will be voted on and decided by the Archimedes DAO
Stable ETH Pools:
  • ETH/xETH - Decided by Archimedes DAO
Volatile ETH Pools:
  • ETH/x - Decided by Archimedes DAO
Stable USD Pools:
  • USD+/DAI+ - pending market conditions
  • Launch: Leverage for individual Wombex & Chronos Exchange pools
    • Leverage for the individual pools will be launched along side the initial launch of the strategies on Arbitrum
    • Archimedes DAO will vote for any other strategies the community wishes to offer leverage on.
  • Launch: Omnipool Hopper that combines all Phase 1 Convex pools into a single, automated, and protected strategy on Ethereum Mainnet.
    • This Omnipool Hopper will protect users positions based on specific parameters defined by the Archimedes team within the smart contract. For more information about this strategy, check out the details here.
Graphic Coming Soon
  • Launch: Single side deposits for lending - TBD
  • Preparation for Arbitrum: Host a seed pool that offers extra ARCH rewards in the form of an airdrop for providing liquidity on Arbitrum earlier. More Info To Come

Q4 2023

Our focus in this quarter is to conclude Syracussia Upgrade
  • Launch: Protected Omnipool Hoppers per protocol (or per asset?)
  • Launch: Leveraged & Protected Omnipool Hopper on Ethereum Mainnet
  • Launch: Leveraged & Protected Omnipool Hopper on Arbitrum
  • Add New Partners: Explore other partnerships for liquidity and flywheels on Arbitrum